Saturday, September 14, 2024
HomeMicrofinanceRebecca, Uganda

Rebecca, Uganda

Rebecca has been selling clothes in the market for one year. She finds that her business can be very profitable, but there are many challenges she is still working to overcome.

Rebecca has six children. They are all school aged, and she has been saving her profits so as they move on to primary school she is able to pay all of their school fees. Their education is very important to her.

Rebecca has found that if clothes are not selling well, she can increase her profits by selling sugar as well. While this is helpful knowledge, it cannot combat weather. Rebecca sells in an outdoor market without any shelter. When it rains she is unable to sell both clothing and sugar, as they would get ruined. Most of her profits go to school fees, but she hopes in time she can save enough so she can build a stall with a roof, then she can sell her products in any weather.

Rebecca’s dream is to one day take out a large loan so she can build a bookshop.

“I am still learning and saving. I hope that soon I will have enough money to have added support in case of emergencies, and can take out a loan to open up a bookshop.”


This story was collected by members of our UK team while visiting our Ugandan programmes in 2018. Learn more about how you can support our partners so more entrepreneurs, like Rebecca, can build a brighter future.

The post Rebecca, Uganda appeared first on Five Talents UK.



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