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HomeDebt FreeYour Comprehensive Guide to Solo Travel Guide

Your Comprehensive Guide to Solo Travel Guide

Solo travel is a great way to learn about the world, discover yourself, and push your comfort zone boundaries. However, solo travel can get intimidating (there’s so much to do to prepare!) and expensive as you no longer have anyone to split the costs with. Travel hacks can help.

Comprehensive Guide to Solo Travel

Solo Female Traveler - Happy woman backpacker traveler take a selfie photo on amazing ocean coast
Image Credit: Soloviova Liudmyla and Shutterstock

This guide will help you figure out how to budget for a solo trip and save money, how to pack so that you’re efficient, and it will go over some things you must do to be prepared. We’ll also cover some benefits of solo travel and why everyone should do this at least once. PLUS, tips for what you can do yourself once you’ve arrived!

Choosing a Budget-friendly Destination

man sitting at a beach hotel at sunset
Image Credit: Song_about_summer and Shutterstock.

There are plenty of budget-friendly destinations for traveling solo. Some examples include:

  • Almost anywhere in South or Central America
  • The Caribbean
  • Southeast Asia
  • The Pacific Islands, including the Philippines, Indonesia, and Malaysia
  • Eastern Europe
  • Parts of Africa

The downside to some of these is the length of the flight, which means the flight’s price may be expensive, but as we’ll go over below, there are ways to make it happen and not break the bank!

Other areas include Western Europe, parts of Africa, Australia, and parts of Asia. These areas may a little more expensive; however, they are doable if you budget for them and save ahead of time.

Things To Consider When Planning Your Solo Trip

Figure out how much time off you have. This will help you quickly eliminate specific areas of the world that may require longer stays or take longer to get to.

Determine How Much Money You Have To Spend

Man putting cash in a wallet
Image Credit: fongbeerredhot via Shutterstock.

Depending on your available time and travel budget, you can narrow down vacation spots. For instance, destinations further away may have more expensive flights.

Consider using travel credit cards and travel points to pay for things (beneficial if you have time to get a new card and plan).

Look for Travel Deals

Sneak into airport lounge wealth of geeks 4
Image credit: Shutterstock.

Another way to find a destination to fit your budget is to look up travel deals. Many airlines offer discount fares to different destinations. That is especially helpful if your travel dates are flexible.

See if your vacation time is in the offseason for any of those destinations, as traveling off-peak can save you a ton of cash on hotels and activities once you’re there.

How To Save Money on Your Trip

Saving money doesn’t have to end with airfare. Once you’re there, there are ways to ensure you continue keeping and sticking within your budget.

Choose Lodging Carefully

If you have a budget that allows for it, I recommend a centrally located hotel, even if it costs you a little more. That is because the benefits include not having to pay for public transportation because you can potentially walk everywhere and have easy access to food options and tour operators. The best way to figure out central locations is to map out all the popular activities and search for lodging there.

Alternative options include Air B&B, VRBO, hostels, house swaps, or couch surfing (if you know people who live there). Central locations work best if possible because of their convenience, and you save on other costs.

On the flip side, depending on your destination and how long you’ll be there, you can look for lodging closer to the airport or with airport shuttle access. For instance, this may be a good option if you’ve got only one or two nights in a city and are planning on doing a tour (and very little self-exploring). You’ll save time and money on transportation to and from the airport.

Avoid The Single Supplement

When booking your lodging, you may note that the rates are for “per person, double occupancy.” If you choose a room for one, your price increases significantly.

That is a penalty for solo travelers. However, there are ways to avoid it.

Some companies will match you with other solo travelers, or you can dig around to find spots that don’t charge the supplement (often smaller boutique hotels don’t, or they have rooms made explicitly for solo travelers – this is the route I usually take).

Save on Transportation

Bus Travel: Alternative to Planes, Trains, and Automobiles
Image Courtesy of LightField Studios & Shutterstock.

Sometimes the highest public transportation cost is going to and from the airport. Look up the best ways to do so; many European cities, for instance, have great subway or metro systems. In Japan, there was a bus that took us into the city. From there we took a taxi to the hotel.

You can do the same research regarding getting around when you reach your destination. In Vietnam, for example, some taxis are known to scam tourists. We found out about those ahead of time and made sure to avoid them.

Save on Food

Some hotels offer free breakfast. Take that into consideration when budgeting for your stay. Alternatively, if you get an Airbnb or VRBO, go grocery shopping and cook at least one of your meals at home.

Street food is also a great option. You’ll taste local cuisine AND save money as it’s some of the most affordable cuisine available.

Look up food spots ahead of time to know how much your meals could cost you.

Save on Things To Do

Check out your destination’s tourism board. It will usually display events happening in your area, many free or discounted, or you purchase a day pass and get entry everywhere at a discount. For instance, in Paris, the Louvre has free visits for part of the year on the first Sunday of every month.

It takes some digging and research, but the savings can be significant.

Packing Checklist for Solo Travel

Feet on a suitcase in the airport.
Image credit: Shutterstock.

I highly recommend you create a travel checklist to keep track of everything. Also, try to limit your luggage to a carry-on and backpack. You’ll save yourself time at the airport checking in and at the baggage claim, AND you’ll save on possible fees (some taxis will charge you for putting a suitcase in your trunk).

Plus, having only two well-packed items will save you the headache of lugging something large and bulky with you everywhere you go (this is especially helpful with long multi-destination trips)

So, what should you be packing? The essentials. Plus, you should make sure that everything you pack is everything you will use while abroad.

Packing Tips for Clothes and Souvenirs

A capsule wardrobe ensures that everything you pack will match each other, increasing the number of outfits you can get from a week’s worth of clothes. I’ll also add that you should pack items that can double up in usage. For instance, if you’re going somewhere warm and tropical, pack dresses that work as daywear and coverups.

Roll Your Clothes To Save Space

Rolling clothes will actually save you a lot of space.

Use Packing Cubes To Save Space and Stay Organized

Packing cubes are a great way to keep your essentials organized and separated, making them easier to find. I’d also recommend rolling your clothes when you place them in the packing cubes.

Pack a Collapsible Duffel

A collapsible duffel collapses, rolls up, and fits into itself. Take one with you and open it up on the way home to fit in all those newly bought souvenirs.

Must-have Emergency Kit Supplies for Solo Travel

Medical kit for travel
Photo Credit: showcake/Shutterstock.

Anything can happen while you’re abroad, and it can be scary when you’re by yourself. Being prepared with a small emergency kit has always gone a long way toward helping me feel better. Here are some things you should consider putting into yours:

  • First aid box with bandaids, bandages, and antibacterial ointment
  • Medications:
    • Antihistamines – Benadryl, Zyrtec, etc.
    • Pain killers -Tylenol, Ibuprofen, etc.
    • Sleep aids (helps with jet lag)
    • Anti-diarrheal (like Immodium)
    • Antacids – Pepcid or Maalox chewable tablets
    • Cold medication – Dayquil, Nyquil tablets, Sudafed, cough drops
    • Motion sickness tablets – Dramamine
    • Lubricating eye drops
    • Hydrocortisone cream

Many of these are available in small travel packs that you can get at your local drugstore. I have many of these at home, so I’ll grab a few of each and stick them either in the same bottle to save space or place them all in a single Ziploc bag and make it a “kit.”

Random Items That You Always Forget

Many people forget these next few items. But now, you’ll remember!

  • Sunglasses
  • Headphones (especially noise-canceling ones)
  • Sunscreen
  • Bug Spray
    • An alternative to bug spray: OFF wipes
  • Refillable water bottle

Things You Must Have When Traveling, Solo or Otherwise

  • RFID wallet to protect your identity
  • Cash
  • Updated passport (+/- visa)
  • Personal and student I.D. (take your student I.D.s if you have them, you’ll get great discounts!)

Things You Must Do Before You Travel Abroad

Beautiful young woman in casual clothing using laptop and smiling while working indoors
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Preparation is key. When deciding on solo travel, it’s even more essential to take specific steps to ensure your safety before you go and make your solo travel experience smoother.

Here are some things you MUST DO before you go:

Enroll in The Step Program

That stands for the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program. How it works:

  • You sign up before you travel anywhere outside of the U.S.
  • Your information is saved with the State Department – which means the government knows where its citizens are at any given time.
  • If an issue arises in your visiting country, they will communicate with you directly. For instance, you’ll get updates on travel information, flight availability, and safety concerns.

I have a colleague who got stuck abroad at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown, and she said this was the single most helpful thing in knowing how to get home and when it would happen.

Enroll in TSA Precheck and Global Entry

Many travel credit cards include the cost of these. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Precheck and Global Entry (Customs and Border Patrol) cost $100 for five years. That pays for your background check, and you must do an in-person interview for each. With Precheck, you will save time during check-in by skipping long security lines; with Global Entry, you will save time coming home by skipping customs lines.

The interviews can be done at any airport with a TSA/Global Entry office. After you fill out your form online, you will receive a list of places where you could make your interview appointment. The time saved by having these two things is invaluable.

Double Check Your Destination Information

Check the State Department’s site on Travel Advisories, which details the safety level of your destination. That gets updated frequently, and if there’s a travel advisory, it will tell you what to look for OR what area of your destination country is affected. Often, local conflicts can make traveling to certain parts of the world more dangerous. Knowing the status beforehand can help you plan and make informed decisions about what parts of the country to visit OR if you should go to that country to begin with.

Also, double-check whether or not you need a visa for your destination. If you are a U.S. passport holder, you can travel to most countries without a visa. However, some countries require a visa. Depending on the country, you may be able to get it beforehand and pay a fee. You can usually do this online. Sometimes you’ll have to send your passport to the embassy, or you can obtain and pay for the visa at the airport when you arrive.

Note Important Numbers

In the era of cell phones and wifi, this information can either be stored on your phone or looked up online. However, I have been in situations where I didn’t have either option because my phone was dead or the wifi wouldn’t connect (and in countries like Cuba, you never get wifi, to begin with).

So, a great backup is to write this information down and always keep it with you (or take a picture).

  • Hotel name, address, and phone number
  • U.S. Embassy address and phone number
  • Your parents or significant others’ cell phone numbers

Also, take a picture of your passport (and a couple of hard copies). If anything gets stolen, your only ticket home is your passport, and the easiest way to get a new one is to show a picture or a copy of the original.

Tips on Safety During Solo Travel

Adventurous Traveler woman doing meditation on Desert Rocky Mountain American Landscape
Image Credit: EB Adventure Photography / Shutterstock.

There are several things to consider when traveling abroad alone (especially for female solo travelers). Even if your destination is known for being safe, you may still find yourself in unsafe situations. This section will give you some friendly reminders about traveling safely and smartly.

In addition to the safety measures I’ve mentioned already, consider these as well:

Stay Away From Known Crime Areas

Please do some research before you go, and once you’re there, talk to your tour guides and ask them about different parts of the country/city you’re visiting. Get feedback from the locals about where to go and what to do. As always, trust your instincts no matter what anyone tells you.

Once you know where NOT to go, DON’T GO. As a tourist, you will stand out, and you will just be asking for trouble. Plus, you will have no one to rely on or ask for help during solo travel situations, so it is essential to be doubly safe.

Check In Regularly With Family and Friends

Let your people know where you are and how you’re regularly doing. If not via phone, then via email. It’s an excellent way for them to keep track and makes it quicker for them to realize if something is wrong if/when you don’t check in on time. I’d also recommend you send them a copy of your itinerary so they know where you’re supposed to be.

Keep Valuables With You at All Times

Even if you’re on a group tour and are just hopping to the bathroom, take your purse/wallet/valuables with you. I have heard horror stories of people “trusting” their groups only to come back from a bathroom break to find their bags had been stolen, including passports. Don’t let that happen to you.

Also, ensure your bag has a zipper, and don’t keep your cellphones/wallets in your back pockets or wear fancy jewelry. Once, in India, I saw a motorcyclist drive by and yank a lady’s gold chain off her neck.

Don’t Get Lured Into Private Areas

Salespeople will hound you and offer you great deals on designer this and designer that, OR offer you an opportunity to get some excellent locally made goods….you have to follow them down an alley into some house.

Hard pass.

Do. Not. Follow. There is no deal, object, or good worth going into an unknown yourself. Turn around and walk the other way, or demand they bring it to you. Of note, this is not something that happens everywhere, just something to remember if you are somewhere where this occurs.

Consider Self-protection

Solo travel can be scary because you are alone and have no one to back you up. We are taught from childhood that there’s “safety in numbers.” Well, solo travel takes that safety net away.

Consider taking some Mace, or an equivalent, with you. Trust no one, of course, but also have a way to get yourself out of sticky situations. Mace is one option; another is to take a set of keys, put a key between each finger, and make a metal claw of sorts. I do this when I feel something is off, and I always feel better.

Be careful with purchasing an actual claw because you can get stopped at the airport for having one.

Dress Appropriately

In some parts of the world, this matters. Look up local customs to pack appropriately and blend in once you arrive (again, this tends to affect solo female travelers disproportionately).

Tips on What To Do Once You’ve Arrived

Hiker girl sitting on a cliff edge enjoying scenic summer view. Woman relaxing on top of autumn mountain, over the clouds. Blue Ridge Parkway ,near Asheville, North Carolina, USA.
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

You’ve budgeted, prepared, and know how to be safe, and now you’re at your destination! Let the fun begin!

Here are some ideas for spending time abroad and getting the most out of your solo travel experience.

Take Part in a Tour

This is an easy thing to do by yourself and a great way to get your feet wet, roaming around a new city or town. While it’s daunting climbing onto a tour bus and asking strangers if you can sit next to them, it’s also a great way to meet new people. Booking a tour on at least one day of your trip also allows you to get the lay of the land and learn some history and background of your destination.

You can also use this opportunity to speak to your tour guide about recommendations and safe areas to explore.

Pro tip: Some companies offer solo travel tours to help those traveling alone meet others!

Go to a Bar/Out To Eat

Do not eat in your hotel room by yourself! Instead, use the recommendations you’ve been given to find a local restaurant, walk in, and take a seat. No one is staring at you; no one is judging.

To make it easier, try going out for lunch with outdoor seating. Choosing a less formal spot can make it less awkward and easier to speak with the waitstaff about local culture. You can take a book or people-watch without issue.

Try Local/Authentic Cuisine

We tend to stay in our comfort zone and gravitate towards food and restaurants that fit that zone. Instead, use this opportunity to branch out and experiment!

Researching ahead of time is helpful here regarding what specialty foods are unique to each country and city, but the best restaurant recommendations, I think, come from the locals. Once there, ask your hotel concierge or your tour guides.

Try Your Hand at Bargain Shopping

If you’re in a place that allows you to haggle for the best price, go for it! Try and see if you can get the best price for the item you want. This is a great way to immerse yourself in the local culture and practice the language!

Figure Yourself Out

One of the greatest benefits of solo travel is having time for yourself, your thoughts, and your ideas. Use it to figure yourself out, deal with your stressors, and regain perspective on your life and career trajectory. Don’t be afraid of your thoughts; be absorbed in them to make the most of this time to yourself.

The best solo trips include adventure, challenges, self-reflection, and personal growth. You’ll go home more confident, stronger, and content.

Solo Travel Experience Is a Must for Everyone

festival goer at sunset
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

It’s scary to go somewhere by yourself if you never have before. However, there is no better way to learn about the world and yourself than by pushing your boundaries and taking that scary first step.

A tip for starting your first solo trip to make it a little easier is to pick a country with no language barrier. It can take a weight off your shoulders if you know that you speak the language, can ask for help without issue, and make your first-time solo experience a bit less daunting.

In Summary

  • Figure out your budget first, then pick your destination
  • Pack lightly so that you save time and money
  • Enroll in STEP, TSA precheck & global entry
  • Double-check travel advisories
  • Make sure you know the VISA requirements.
  • Pack all the necessities, including emergency kits, medications, and contact information
  • Stay safe when you’re there.
  • Most importantly: HAVE FUN and go for it with everything you want to do!

This article was produced and syndicated by Wealth of Geeks Travel.

Sanjana is a physician anesthesiologist, avid traveler, and entrepreneur. She founded The Female Professional in order to give women a voice, a community, and provide resources to help them overcome hurdles and achieve success.

With her experiences as a physician, as a CEO of a startup, and as a writer, she understands the struggles and frustrations that women face. She also understands what it takes to move past those things and come out on top.

Through this platform, Sanjana aims to empower women to be their best, authentic, selves, achieve work/life balance, and live life to the fullest.



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