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HomeBudgetTips for Improving Fire Safety at Home

Tips for Improving Fire Safety at Home

A fire is the worst nightmare of any homeowner, especially if you have young children. As a parent, it’s your duty to protect your children and keep them safe, and we typically think of our homes as the safest place to be. Unfortunately, there are many things in your home which can be a danger if not used correctly. Fire hazards are one of the biggest risks at home, and although fire safety standards have improved, many homes now contain a lot of electrical devices, which can pose additional risks.

If you want to keep your family safe and avoid the damage and heartache of a house fire, there are steps you can take. In this article, we’ll share some top tips to reduce the risk of fires starting and spreading.

Improving Fire Safety at Home


Test Your Fire Alarm Regularly

All homes should have fire and smoke alarms fitted to provide an early warning in case a fire breaks out. A properly working fire alarm can literally mean the difference between life and death. If your alarm fails and you don’t wake up in time, you and your loved ones could become trapped inside the home as it burns. To avoid this nightmare scenario, you should always test your alarm regularly using fire alarm test keys.

All alarms should have a function to test them, and it’s normally as simple as pressing a button or inserting a key. Keep a record of when you test your alarms and write down the results, so you know that they’re working. Ideally, you want to test all the alarms one after the other. If you notice any issues, ensure you replace the battery or the alarm as soon as possible.

On top of the fire and smoke alarms, many homes also have carbon monoxide detectors. This is especially important if your home has a furnace, stove or gas boiler. Carbon monoxide buildup can be deadly, and it’s very difficult to notice. An alarm will immediately trigger if it detects levels of carbon monoxide, ensuring any issue can be fixed. You should check this alarm regularly too.


Check Electrical Appliances

Faulty electrical wiring and appliances are one of the leading causes of house fires. Make sure you only ever use appliances that have passed safety checks such as PAT testing. If you notice any damage to your devices, you should replace them, especially if it’s damage to the wiring. Live wires are extremely dangerous due to electric shock, but can also cause fires.

Lastly, make sure you avoid overloading sockets. With how many electrical devices the average household uses, it’s easy to get carried away. Check that the socket is adequately rated for the voltage demands before you plug anything in.


Take Care When Cooking

While many house fires involve electrical appliances, the vast majority are started whilst cooking. Whether you’re a complete cooking novice or you’re a professional chef, there are measures you should be taking to ensure your kitchen is safe while you’re cooking. For one, you should always be present in the kitchen and pay attention while cooking something. An unwatched stove can easily boil dry and catch fire if you’re not careful.

One of the biggest causes of house fires is hot oil. Although air fryers have made preparing food much simpler, many households still rely on deep-fat frying using a pot of oil. This is incredibly dangerous, as oil will catch fire quickly. If this happens, you shouldn’t use water to put it out, as it will just splash and spread hot oil. Instead, turn off the stove and, using a thick cloth, cover the pot to remove the oxygen from the fire.



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