Wednesday, June 22, 2022
HomeWealth ManagementHow top advisor grew her practice by 43% in 2021

How top advisor grew her practice by 43% in 2021

The Vancouver-based Wong Group grew its client assets under management for its high net worth clients by 43% last year, but its annualized growth rate has been 20% per year for the past five years.

Wong said her team focuses on a few key pillars. They want to build clients’ resilience, so they feel financially strong and safe, even during turbulent times, and advisors don’t have to be react to client fears. The team wants to proactively communicate so clients understand how their investments relate to their wealth plan, and know the team has a disciplined process, regardless of what the market is doing. Wong also wants to invest in their credentials, so they can keep improving service.

While the team had those pillars before the pandemic, she said they more proactively communicated with clients – by phone or through Zoom meetings – during it.   

“If somebody calls to request it, then we haven’t done as good a job as we could have because we could have been more proactive,” she said. “That kind of proactive communications builds confidence in the relationship. It also builds trust.

“We work really hard to provide clarity, speak the truth, and manage expectations so the clients feel there is a roadmap ahead, and they feel more empowered to walk the path of uncertainty and make good choices and not succumb to the fears they might otherwise fall victim to. That’s why this award is meaningful to me because it helps to showcase what I feel is a best practices approach.”



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